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現在為您特別優惠! 4節課的套餐費用為100€。您可以選擇其他付款貨幣-AUD,CAD,CHF,DKK,EUR,GBP,NOK,SEK,USD。



Contact with music is an exciting adventure. Lessons at our school have elements of innovative education. There are no grades or exams. Children are most important, as well as their opinions, thoughts, and feelings. During lessons, there is a warm friendly atmosphere, which gives a sense of security and comfort. It improves self-esteem and sense of own effectiveness.

Through the learning process, pupils quire music skills, but also master time-management: how to schedule responsibilities, find time to study, do homework, play an instrument, and have time for oneself to relax.

The programme includes:

  • popular songs
  • musical games with voice
  • improvisations
  • screenings of vocal masterpieces (operas, oratorios, and musicals)
  • musical fairytales

The aim is to awaken a love for music and to improve self-confidence.

Lessons develop musicality, as well as vocal organs and speech smoothness. They also equip pupils with relaxation techniques, how to relieve body tensions. Singing lessons aim at awakening a love for music and improving self-confidence.