


Individual classes based on a master-pupil system . A specially designed programme for teaching adults from scratch.

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想要確定嗎? 嘗試4個課程入門包,以了解這是否是最適合您的老師!

現在為您特別優惠! 4節課的套餐費用為100€。您可以選擇其他付款貨幣-AUD,CAD,CHF,DKK,EUR,GBP,NOK,SEK,USD。



Many people have been dreaming of learning to play the piano since early childhood, unfortunately they haven't had such an opportunity. Unfulfilled dreams of the past often come back years later, and making them come true gives a lot joy, satisfaction and relaxation.

The programme is selected according to your interests and, among others, includes:

  • Classical masterpieces
  • Jazz, Blues, Rock’n’roll
  • Hits songs of The Beatles, Abba, etc.
  • Themes from operas and ballets
  • Movie soundtracks
  • Musicals
  • Pop
  • Ethnic music

The programme specially designed for adults not only allows to make dreams come true, but also enables passing them on to children. Parents and children often begin their music education parallelly, and while practicing at home, they can help each other. This kind of music cooperation helps better understand one's own children, and build a deeper connection, particularly through playing together in duets.

During the first month you are not required to have your own instrument at home.