What benefits can music give you?
What is proved by research?
- growth in creativity, memory and concentration
- growth in logics, thinking, analysis and assessment
- music education increases brain efficiency
- improvent in coordination of hands, eyes and body
- increase in self-esteem and sense of self effectiveness
- music helps express emotions and unload tension
- group playing teach cooperation, social harmony, discipline and achieving a common goal
- Creativity76%
- Perseverance81%
- Improvement of self esteem79%
- Diligence72%
- Regularity66%
- Memory59%
- Effective time management84%
Professional Research Center 2000: research shows that pupils, who learn to play an instrument, improved their task planning and project coordination in everyday life. Students, who play, more willingly try new challenges, can express their independent ideas better to their friends, teachers and parents. They aren’t afraid of their own convictions. The president’s council on the arts 1999
The musican, who constantly makes decisions about the tempo, tone, style, rhythm, phrasing, and piece’s emotions, becomes very good organizating and making many things at the same time. Spark-The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain New York: Pantheon Books, 2001. Music lessons encourage self-discipline and care fulnes. These features are later transferred to effective work and good habits in others disciplines. Michael E. DeBakey, MD, Baylor College of Music.
The research taken the US in 2000, during a conference about music, showed that 73% of children who learn playing an instrument don’t cause trouble during their upbringing and they don’t have problems with discipline.
During the SAT exam, students who had learnt playing an instrument, received in average 61 points more during oral exams, and 42 points more in math than their peers who hadn’t played at all. Music educators journal, September 2000
Research taken at the California’s University showed that after 8 months of piano lessons, preschoolers had a 46% growth of IQ spatial reasoning. Rauscher, Shaw, Levine, Ky i Wright, Music and efficiency: causal relationship University of California, Irvine, 1994
The best businessmen agree that programmes of artistic education can help fix the system of American education and better prepare employees to the 21th century. Educating for the Workplace through the Arts. Business Week, November 1996.
Music is communication, creativity and cooperation. Through learning music, pupils can develop those abilities, they can enrich their life and see the world from a new perspective. Bill Clinton, President of the US